Currently doing The Ancient Gods DLC Part 1&2 Oh boy. If you want a game that screams Violence Speed and Momentum, this is it. This game is absolutely incredible. The soundtrack, the level design, the new abilities. Its all so well done. We completed this...


What can I say? This game was FANTASTIC. Its one of those games that gets funner funner the further you get in. It had a massive map open world and a really really good story line and I LOVED that it took place in Midgard in the realm of Norse Mythology. It offered a...
The Last of Us 2

The Last of Us 2

I know everyone has a different opinion on this game and I completely understand. However, I thought it was absolutely incredible from start to finish. The gameplay was absolutely amazing and did things that I have never seen before on screen. The story was incredibly...
Yakuza 0

Yakuza 0

This is my first time with the Yakuza series after it was recommended numerous times so I figured we would start with the prequel. We are on Chapter 6 and currently taking a break and playing other games. We will resume in the near future